Which way – blurred future

Lock downs, forced to stay indoors, limited fresh air and exercise.. The future looks blurred and bleak.. We should be at work working towards a renewed economy so that the taxes can be used to protect the sick and vulnerable better and not to pay for us to sit at home..

This Post Has 35 Comments

    1. admin

      Thanks Cee.. Photoshop has ways and means.. πŸ˜‰

  1. It’s so difficult, isn’t it? All my ‘children’ have been able to work throughout, from home – they’re the lucky ones. But now that fatigue has set in, those people in contact with others just aren’t doing the social distance thing so rigorously, so being out and about suddenly feels far less safe. I really feel for employees in contact with the public. They’re quite simply at risk. All the same, there’s far more that could be open. Bookshops, for a start!

    1. admin

      Thank goodness for our laundry.. I do book swop out there.. πŸ˜‰

        1. admin

          We are not even allowed to buy books as they are considered a non essential item.. Stay at home folks, 1 hour outdoors and you can’t buy a book.. You can on line of course but not the books in our supermarket.. ;-(

          1. margaret21

            And our poor independent bookshop is one of the safest places in Ripon.. and has to be closed.

          2. admin

            It’s a real shame.. ;-(

  2. It’s such a frustrating time for everyone, but especially for those who need to earn a living. I think we just have to be patient a while longer. It will eventually pass. πŸ€—

    1. admin

      The debates on our TV are extremely interesting. I don’t believe in draconian obviously..;-)

    1. admin

      Fatigue is not good as it weakens in itself the immune system.. πŸ˜‰

    1. admin

      Yes fear and no liberty makes us weak.. πŸ˜‰

  3. It seems crazy, doesn’t it? Like shooting yourself in the foot! But I worry for my son, and others like him, whose work takes him into the community. πŸ™ A very expressive photo, Lisa.

    1. admin

      France had 4 months to prepare for winter lockdown and did nothing and so drastic measures is the only option..

  4. I agree. Here in the US, a rich country, at least monetarily, the poor aren’t well taken care of. Our health care system is wanting, if you get sick here, there goes your life savings. On the bright side, I’m grateful to live in a safe environment and I have plenty to eat. I love your photography Lisa, you live in a beautiful area. Take care.

    1. admin

      Thank you Kelly.. I am truley blessed for the beauty of this place.. Thanks for popping by.. πŸ˜‰

  5. Marsha

    Lisa, you sparked quite a spirited conversation here. Your picture is beautiful and the way you wove in your thoughts made the post magical, if sad and depressed. We heard from a research scientist who is on the governor’s COVID task force in South Carolina. The Pfizer drug has been thoroughly tested, and he explained the entire process. It had a 95% effective rate with no deaths compared to a normal flue shot which has a 75% effective rate against the flu. He commented that it will die off once the vaccine brings it under control. I’ll post his power point as soon as he releases it. I agree with you about the economics of the situation. We moved to Arizona which is much looser than California lockdown-wise. I think people here are being careful on their own. I’m surprised about the books! A friend of mine who is a nurse says that the virus does not live on inanimate objects for very long. Anyway, I wish you the very best.

    1. admin

      Yes I have also heard it donsn’t last long on inanimate objects.. I wouldlove to see the powerpoint.. Thank YOU.. πŸ˜‰

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