Squares – perspective, Ibex smiling at me….

A last squares…. have just been hiking in Italy for three days, lucky me.. was absolutely awesome. I walked ontop a little rock and this Ibex was coming round the corner.. Certainly smiling at me!!!!

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Love it! Did you purposely put him in a small part of the frame for a minimalist effect or was he too fast for you?

    1. admin

      No in fact I had them playing around me for about 15 minutes. It was just a minimilistic photo.. 😉

  2. BeckyB

    oh how wonderful, what a great hike and what a treat to be joined by an Ibex

    1. admin

      I had a family round me. The parents were kissing.. It was all very sweet.. 😉

    1. admin

      There was a family of them frolicking around for a good 15 Minutes..

    1. admin

      Yes it was and they hung around for a while.. 😉

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