Whichway – a long hike

A week ago a water boiler of mine leaked copious amounts of water which ended up with a ceiling falling down and other issues.. Didn’t notice it straight away as I don’t live in that part of the house.. at this point carpet lifted, room cleaned and now waiting for insurance.Β  In the meantime I had spent a month working on a hike around our area and finally it was done by myself, 3 others a their dog Sidney.. 2 days of walking along the ridges both sides of the valley. 1st picture is from the 1st day and the other from the 2nd day!!

Look out stop on the second day. Pointe d’ireuse…

This Post Has 27 Comments

    1. admin

      Which ever which way I walk I am truly blessed!!!

  1. Sounds like you had a interesting and exhausting week. Wonderful outing you had. Your photos are spectacular πŸ˜€

    1. admin

      The outing was just what the doctor ordered Cee.. thank YOU..

    1. admin

      Was quite but surface dried quite quickly.. That little water meter machine begs to differ.. hahaha

    1. admin

      hahaha yes they did.. helps me not to stress.. won’t change anything if I do.. The quote is horrendous.. bartering at the moment!!!! πŸ˜‰

    1. admin

      don’t you just love it.. so blessed to be living here.. πŸ˜‰

  2. Great views! Did you sleep under the stars. (You prob said). Water damage is nasty. So sorry you had to go through this.

    1. admin

      I have slept in a tent before.. πŸ˜‰

    1. admin

      It certainly is a great place for social distancing!!

    1. admin

      It’s amazing and great to circle round the valley..

  3. The most glorious walking territory! So sorry about the ceiling though! Definitely one of those things you could do without, Lisa. πŸ™ πŸ™

    1. admin

      Still trying to get insurance to come look.. Just so slow.. πŸ˜‰

  4. Marvellous walk! Whenever I see your photos like this, I want to go back to Switzerland. I’ve been to Interlaken twice, up into the mountains above. Glorious walks with views that go on forever, and the gentle clink of cow bells floating on the still cool air.

    1. admin

      Yes I do love the bells too.. It does add to the peace.. πŸ˜‰

  5. I can relate to your water problems. We had a toilet leak for what must have been hours before we found it. Water all over the floor seeped through the vents into the basement. What a mess. I wanted to take a hike. Looks like you did. great photos.

    1. admin

      Clear the brain.. go out on a hike.. my motto.. πŸ˜‰

  6. admin

    Thank YOU.. I certainly do love the outdoors and looking forward to having you share the journey.. stay safe..

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